Call for contributions - "Policy Options for Connecting the Next Billion"

Dear members of the Information Society in Latin America and the Caribbean,

As proposed in the LACIGF 2015, we are submiting the call for contributions to the IGF intersessional process of "Policy Options for Connecting the Next Billion'' ( The session's main purpose is to provide concrete contributions to the development of policy options for connectivity that ensure Internet access to the next billion of users who are still not online.

The following questions are part of the consultation process:

  1. How would you define the issue “Connecting the Next Billion”?
  2. Have you observed any regional or national specificities regarding connectivity (e.g. Internet industry development)?
  3. Do you know of existing policy measures, and private sector or civil society initiatives addressing connectivity? If yes, was the policy a government policy, industry policy (either collective best practice or corporate policy), technical policy, or did it pertain to civil society collaboration? Describe them.
  4. In your opinion, what worked well in the development of the policy, and what impediments were encountered?
  5. What was the experience with implementation?
  6. Did you experience any unintended consequences of policy developments/interventions, good and bad?
  7. Can you think of unresolved issues where further multistakeholder cooperation is needed?
  8. Did you gain any insight as a result of the experience?
  9. List proposed steps for further multistakeholder dialogue/actions.

Although I formal deadline hasn't been defined, contributions sent until the end of August 2015 will be incorporated into the first draft of the process document, which will be presented at the IGF 2015 (João Pessoa, from 10 – 13 November).

In order to prepare a contribution of Latin America and the Caribbean to the process, you are asked to send your contributions to the email '' until August 31st, 2015.

Thank you very much!